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Easy, Quick Webcam Video Recording with Shubox

I won’t lie. The WebRTC and MediaRecorder API’s aren’t the easiest things to get working just right. Not easy, still maybe a little fun. Depending on your outlook, though, Safari might suck a healthy amount of fun out of the exercise. It’s an objectively great browser but the fact remains that Apple continues to slow-walk a number of meaningful API’s. MediaRecorder is one of them. Elsewhere on the web, Octavian Naicu writes about some of the challenges you might run into with Safari/Webkit. It’s a worthwhile read if you ever expect to make the attempt yourself.

I’m happy to say that you can instead jump ahead of all that if you’re using Shubox. You can have all the functionality at your fingertips, without the cross-browser debugging and headache’ery (that’s not a word, but I will allow it). I am happy to say that *webcam video recording* support is now baked into the Shubox JavaScript library.

What does that mean?

It means that your work consists of one HTML element [1]:

<div style="width: 640px; height: 480px;"

… and a bit of javascript that will do all of the heavy lifting for you. The following will create the video and canvas elements, and hook up click events to start the camera, start recording, and stop recording.

const video = new Shubox('#webcam-video', {
  key: 'SHUBOX-KEY',
  webcam: 'video',
  success: function(file) {
    console.log(`File ${file.name} successfully uploaded!`)

The size of the video will be predicated on the size of the #webcam-video element. Clicking the element will start the camera. Subsequent clicks of the element will start and stop recording the video [2], followed by its being uploaded to your bucket.

Of course, that’s not all you are limited to. You may customize things to suit your user experience with options to tie the different life cycle events to other elements that may trigger them, and callbacks for different points of that life cycle. For example:

const videoWithOptions = new Shubox('#webcam-video', {
  key: 'SHUBOX-KEY',
  webcam: {
    type: 'video',
    startCamera: '#video-start',
    stopCamera: '#video-stop',
    startRecording: '#video-record-start',
    stopRecording: '#video-record-stop',
    audioInput: '.shubox-audioinput',
    videoInput: '.shubox-videoinput',
    cameraStarted: (_webcam) => {
      console.log("camera started")
    cameraStopped: (_webcam) => {
      console.log("camera stopped")
    recordingStarted: (_webcam) => {
      console.log("recording started")
    recordingStopped: (_webcam, _file) => {
      console.log("recording stopped")
  success: file => {
    console.log(`File ${file.name} successfully uploaded!`)

I’m happy to say that video recording is already being used by our friends at FutureMe where the Pro users are now able to record videos of themselves and send them into the future where the past versions of themselves can impart some old knowledge … to … themselves? I’ve confused myself.


If you’d like to see for yourself how this works, I also put up a small demo at Codepen. Give it a whirl, and let us know what you think on twitter!


  1. The size of the div will be what determines the size of the video. I suggest sizing it to one of the common video aspect ratios - 4:3 or 16:9.
  2. Format of the video depends on which web browser you are using. If on Chrome or FireFox, the video will be in webm format. If on safari, it will be an mp4. For more details see the source code for how the codecs are chosen.
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