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Use rails-erd Instead of annotate_models

Before we jump into rails-erd and how to integrate it into your workflow let’s talk about something adjacent to that.

Often when dropping into a new Rails app I’ll notice that models, specs, and factories will be the lucky bearers of the related database table schema thanks to the annotate_models gem.

The annotate_models gem is a great tool for providing visibility into the underlying structure of your database tables.

To that, I say “👍” !

However, there are some downsides. They’re not necessarily malevolent or problematic, but more speedbumps along the road of your development process.

To wit:

  1. It’s noisy at the top of important pieces of your code. Opening a file, being met with a wall of comments, and spending time to get to the meat of a class - it’s a speedbump. I ask you to ask yourself - how often do you really need to reference the columns and structure of your table? I’d guess “not so often”. It’s not that big a deal, but over time when your models grow in size it’s not unfathomable that your editor buffer, on first open, could be nothing but the contents from annotate_models.

    If you use vim and tpope’s vim-rails package you can get to your model’s schema you can get to this information quickly already. :Eschema table_name will take you right there. Example: :Eschema users, :Eschema posts, etc.

    If you use Atom there are plugins that will assist with this -

  2. A migration should result in 2 files staged in Git. The new migration, and an updated schema.rb or structure.sql. Instead, with annotate_models you end up with those two, plus: modified model, factory, and spec – for each model you update. To me that’s an unnecesary halo effect.

  3. Last but not least — and, arguably, most annoyingly — if you or a teammate neglects to check those updates into git, the next time someone runs a recently checked in migration, your local files change modifying files that have nothing to do with the work you’re going to check in.

I will stop there with my humble request that you reconsider using annotate_models and get into the meat of what I feel is a helpful tool for your project(s). Enter rails-erd

Rails ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

What is an “Entity Relationship Diagram”? According to techopedia:

An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that graphically illustrates an information system’s entities and the relationships between those entities.

rails-erd is a utility gem that will generate a PDF with a diagram of your models, their columns, and the relationship between the models. It looks a little something like:

rails-erd example

Per the directions on the project’s repo:

  1. Make sure graphviz is installed:

    • brew install graphviz 🍎
    • sudo apt install graphviz 🐧
  2. Add gem "rails-erd", require: false, group: :development to your application’s Gemfile

  3. Run bundle exec erd

You should have a PDF in your app root waiting to be opened now!

For extra credit you can set up your app to generate a new erd after you’ve run new migrations.

bundle exec rails generate erd:install

Your information now resides in that one pdf, unlike annotate_models. No polution of all your files. One file that can be gitignored if so desired! Huzzah!

In the grand scheme of things, the gripes I present above are miniscule. I’d absolutely concede that. It’s really not that big a deal. However, if you’re on a project using annotate_models and you’re in the middle of a rebase having to reconcile the merge conflicts from that gem across several files? I hope you’ll remember this blog post.

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